Process Management


Revision as of 21:01, 21 September 2012 by FranzBorrmann (Talk | contribs)
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Knowledge- and Process Management


The proper management of processes is crucial for enterprises as well as for authorities as processes are the basis leading to products. Often, these processes are documented and described in a generic way. The staff feels unsecure about their own role and the exact duties are unknown. The whole picture is vague. Management systems for quality, environment, work safety, energy and security are established in the company, but the necessary process documentation is understood as just another imposed duty on management.

By description and documentation of processes the demand for transparency (facing inward or outward) and clear organisation can be accomplished. The examination and the graphical representation of the process allows optimisation and an increased process efficiency. The success will be strongly dependend on the perception and acceptance of staff.

We will elaborate the process model together with your employees based on ViFlow. The high usability and the clear swimlane-graph as well as the possibility to publish the process landscape in your intranet easily are ensuring a high level of acceptance by your personnel. By the way: the web-based publication makes controlled copies of your quality handbook obsolete and reduces the administrative burden to a minimum.

Mit der semantic-apps-Serie von steht uns zudem ein mächtiges Wiki-Werkzeug zur Verfügung. Dieses kann das in Ihrem Systemen vorhandene Wissen (z.B. SAP-Daten) mit dem Wissen Ihrer Mitarbeiter unter einer Oberfläche vereinen. Die integrierte Prozessdarstellung ermöglicht eine nahtlose Integration in Ihre Wissenslandschaft. Auch hier ist eine behutsame Vorgehensweise notwendig, um die Mitarbeiter als Wissensträger zu integrieren und mögliche Blockaden frühzeitig zu erkennen und aufzulösen.

Schwerpunkt dieser Tätigkeit bilden naturgemäß Prozesse, mit denen wir uns gut auskennen: Strahlenschutz, Gefahrstoffe, Arbeitssicherheit.