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Welcome to iUS Institut für Umwelttechnologien und Strahlenschutz GmbH

We are a consulting company with our main focus on environmental technology, radiation protection and the associated management tasks.

Having been founded as sat science GmbH, a change in the name (meaning iUS Institute for environmental technology and radiation protection) makes the focus more prominent. Our new premises are located in the beautiful town of Aschaffenburg in northern Bavaria in vincinity of the Frankfurt metropolitan region.

You will find on this site some information on our profile, we would like to inform you on some of our services and present some references. For additional questions and inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be delighted to inform you about our services. Contact details can be found in the imprint section.

By the way: This side is based on a semantic mediawiki installation and may give you a first impression of the services we are offering together with our partner

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Franz Borrmann

-Managing Director-